Beloved Colleagues,
Many human beings are celebrating "Father’s Day," reflecting upon, adjusting their relationship with the bloodline Patriarch of the physical family, present or departed, known or unknown.
Our lineage, the physical aspects, seed of the DNA, within the co-creative joining with the Mother, encodes the structure of the Human Body, the vehicle necessary to experience this realm of Creation. The Divine Blueprint, requirement of collective participation, the combination of the Male/Female Co-Creative DNA, gift, create the common thread at the root of the vehicle to "experience," in this plane and dimension. Our physical Fathers, Mothers, extended physical/spiritual families, may be of great support, or they may be totally unknown or absent, or countless other variants, scenarios of human relationships.
The experience, life we live, very quickly become unique, the encoded, planned, path, adjusted by human free-will choice, our choices and the choices of others, a Divine Gift. We co-create, individually and Collectively our Human Universe, as we evolve to a wiser, more peaceful estate of existence, combination of Soul Path Planning, experience and free-will choice.
The request today, is to Re-Member, Celebrate, adjust the Spiritual Component of our Human Experience, the Soul Plan agreed upon before entry into the Human Body. The contract, Covenant, Spiritually Commissioned, LifeStream Representatives, made with our Heavenly Father/Mother God, to do something while we are here. Re-Member, set the example, go beyond the personal circumstances we choose/chose, through human free-will, "drinking the cup" no matter how difficult the experience.
The Key words are "beyond personal." In other words, as LifeStream Representatives, we promised to serve Collectively for who we are and who we represent, live the example of our Beloved Brother Christ Jesus, within the Collective Patterns set within his relationship with the supporting cast at that time, more specifically the Women's Apostolic Core, the co-creative feminine principle upon which he depended.
The Father's Promise to All His Children depends upon the Cast of Characters, he sent to demonstrate, be the example. It is "God's Trust In US" our individual and Collective Promised to our Heavenly Parents, Collective Demonstration, living within the Christ Body, demonstrate Cosmic Christ Consciousness.
The Father’s Song To His Children
Beyond that individual representation, How are we doing Collectively, Aligned, Synchronized with our Multidimensional Counterparts? Are we working Collectively, Aligning, Synchronizing, asking together, for guidance, coordinating our efforts, what are the next steps, highest and best for the Whole of Creation?
TE-TA-AM/COTC has many tools to help facilitate the Collective effort, communication, synchronization. Align, Receive, and Take Action!
In Oneness of Service,
COTC National
Greetings Light Bearers!
Thank you for your Beholdance and Prayers of support during this time of change. Experiencing Multi-Dimensional Alignment, a greater awareness of the supernatural, unlimited possibilities and probabilities of our Father/Mother God are Amplified and Manifesting.
Are we Aligning/Praying to “get by” or are we Aligning and making BOLD requests?
Too many times we fall into a rut, we pray “get by” prayers. "God, help me to get by this month. God, help me to endure this sickness. God, keep my family member out of trouble."
There's nothing wrong with these requests, but it limits what our Parent/Creator can do. The Holy Spirit Shekinah is moved by our Faith. If we ask small, we will receive small. Matthew 9:29, Bible says, "According to your faith, it will be done unto you."
A routine prayer may be, "God, help me to pay my bills." A BOLD prayer is, "God, open the avenues for me to not only pay my bills, but also to have plenty left over so I can be a blessing to others."
A normal prayer is, "God, keep my child out of trouble." A BOLD prayer is, "God, support my child to fulfill their Spiritual destiny."
A typical prayer is, "God, help me to endure this sickness." A BOLD prayer is, "Father, I want to thank you that I'm coming through this sickness through faith, gaining wisdom and understanding.”
Alignment by its nature is BOLD, requests, petitions to that which is for the Highest and Greatest good for the Whole, a unified action that incorporates a multi-dimensional co-participation with our Heavenly Counterparts.
If we're going to see the maximum greatness, Highest and Best for the Whole, we must shift beyond praying small prayers and ask for something Greater. If we can accomplish our dreams on our own, then perhaps our dreams are too small. We need to imagine bigger, without concepts and conceptualizations of the how and when. If we don't stretch our faith, we may be closing off a greater possibility or probability within our personal and Collective Mission.
“The power of miracles showing the interpenetration of the life into the Infinite Way; and the gift of active faith which shows how we must progress beyond the ‘milk of being a new-born child of God’ into the Messianic fiber which cultivates the Kingdom of God on earth – seeing invisible things becoming visible.” Keys of Enoch, by J.J. Hurtak Key 113:43
Our Parent Creator Source, God wants to communicate with us. Do we simply ask without listening, pausing, opening the Space of Grace to allow the wisdom, healing and knowing to flow through the Color, Light and Sound of the Holy Spirit? When God communicates, we receive, feel it in our hearts, and know it in our minds. Moving through Faith, taking the first action step is what carries us through the constructs of the mind, opening the possibilities and probabilities beyond our own imaginings.
“And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of Him.” Bible, I John 5:15
Ask BOLDLY through Alignment:
“Beloved and Holy Parent, within and through the Office of the Christ, we Align to the Holy Trinity, Divine Deity, Our Parent Creator Source, petitioning for Infusion of Trinitized Trinities of Light, for aide, assistance and support.
On this (date, time, geophysical location), we ask for lifting up and lifting out all miscreated energy. We ask for healing and sealing from all activities of the past, any speculation to the future, all open connectivity to others not needed and necessary, moving wholly and solely in the moment of the NOW, through decree of Divine Right Order®, Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth. (3x)
We consciously Align with the Orders of Metatron, El Shaddai, Michael, Melchizedek, the Order, Brotherhood and Priesthood of Melchizedek. In recognition of those working with us, the Heavenly Hierarchies, Angelic Realms, and the Orders of Whole Light Beings.
From the Trinitized Beings serving throughout creation, from the Hyos Ha Kadesh to the 24 Elders of at the Throne of the Father Universe – the Elohim, Ishim, Malachim, Erelim, Hashmalim, Elim, Bnai Elohim, Seraphim, Ophanim, Cherubim. We ask for co-participation in our lives and living – “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth!”
We reaffirm our Commission and Sacred Pact through the recitation of the Sacred Mandate.
Supports The Family Unification of Mankind
In All Aspects Of The Whole.
We of Like Mind Join Harmoniously In
Oneness, Knowing That There Is Only
One Creator-Source.
The Many In One, Dedicate Our Physical
Embodiments To The God Expression
In Form, Bringing Forth By Example
To This Planet Earth
Love, Light and Peace.
Therefore, Once Decreeing
In All Thoughts - All Things, Our
Universe Automatically Aligns Into
Manifestation of Heaven On Earth.
Through The Priesthood of Melchizedek
We Are One In The Body Of Jesus Christ
As Above So Below.
We ask (purpose, question or petition of prayer), through decree of Divine Right Order®, Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth. (3x) We ask to move Above the Weave and Tapestry for clarity, clarification, revelation, and receivership.
**Ask, Petition - Questions needed to bring in next steps, Heaven to Earth. Stabilize.
We give thanks for the co-participation of our Heavenly Counterparts, and ask for Healing and Sealing of this Merkabah GRID, through remembrance
“This Church, this Functioning Body decrees, that as long as it may serve this Planet, this Humanity, so therefore are we prepared to be the Instruments in which to serve the one living God, who has placed a Trust in us. So Be It and So It Is. Amen.”
Keep up the Good/God works! Align/Pray BOLDLY!

2023 Probabilities and Possibilities directly related to human choice.
The Grace Period is over on Earth!
"We must be in Bodies of Light to be accepted into the Kingdoms of Light."
2023 continues to bring change through chaos within social, economic, political, government institutions as well as a general feeling of unrest. Earth's mantel, crust, polar alignment and other geophysical systems are under increasing stress that will result in major events, shifts, a "New Earth". “There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,” mentioned 13 times in the Bible, speaks of the last threads of the dark cabal hanging on as mankind is destined to move through the “eye of the Needle,” and out of the threshold of “lukewarm.”

December 21, 2020 - A Unique Multi-Dimensional Alignment of:
Astronomy - "natural science that studies celestial objects"; Cosmology - "science of the origin and development of the universe"; Astrology - "the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world"; Shekinah Testament - "Program Adonai Tsebayoth, Creator Daughter's Aeon, Program of The Holy Spirit Shekinah - Current Program of the Office Of The Christ - Programs of Restoration and Redemption coordinated by the Orders of Michael, Metatron and Melchizedek, having the responsibility and administrative authority in the Hierarchy of Heavenly Government, to bring about the necessary purification and consciousness evolvement on this Planetary System and its fallen universe. Known and unknown avatars of Humanity, in all fields and disciplines, have had representatives of their Lifestreams in consciousness within this collective effort."; Cosmocracy - "Co-joint Democratic Healing and Sealing the Planes and Dimensions into a Unified Body. Cosmological Democracy; an integral planning in coordination within the Brotherhoods, step by step locking in process. The counterpart in the Electro-Magnetic Shield surrounding us in our many Universes. Externalizing the COMMUNITIES OF LIGHT by the ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK in attunement, accordance, and principle of PHASE 2 by the FEDERATION and GALACTIC COUNCILS in our Pact and Covenant to Our Parent Creator to fulfill the cause-effect of Man’s Destiny."

Mother's Day 2023 - Blessings FromThe Heart
As the Holy Spirit
Fills our Being
As the Son
Radiates our
One-ness with
The Source
The Dearest Expression
Of Our Lord’s True Love
Is “Mother”—
Space Of Grace, Parables in Prose by Grace Marama URI, © 1977 TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family Of URI, Inc.

Point of Choice
Quantum Shift from "me" to "WE"
Within the United States of America, through the economic ans socio-economic changes,

Thanksgiving 2021
An Opportunity to Co-Create Stability within Chaos!
2021 Thanksgiving is requiring us to use our Spiritual Discernment. Everyone is having to evaluate the risk versus reward before we partake, part of the human refinement due to the COVID pandemic. Within the Chaos you can find justification provided by "experts" for just about any action you choose to take. Travel? Invite family and friends to your home? Go out to a restaurant? Someone will tell you that is the best thing to do, after all its the tradition, freedom, independence of choice is sacred, our right. That is a "me" approach to action. The consideration of others, how our choice may affect others is a better filter to apply, the "WE" approach that humanity is being forced to consider. Throughout 2021 the consequences of our approach to decision making, "me" or "WE" have become very self-evident. The "me" approach must give way to the "WE" if we are to survive this crises and the ones that are going to intensify in 2022.

St. Milchaelmas Day - Stitching In Time
The New Tapestry
This year, beginning September 29, 2019, before sundown, the "High Holiday Season" begins with Rosh Hashanna and ends after nightfall, October 1, 2019. Through symbolic rituals, a timing to release the old, embrace the new - new year. The Kabbalists teach that Rosh Hashanah is not a religious event, but a cosmic opening where we can plant the seeds that will determine how reality will unfold in the new year. The importance within the Calendar goes beyond the Annual Solar Cycle, Activating Key Mechanisms of Greater Cycles.

GRIDS of Consciousness Unification - Compendium of Living Unity Consciousness
Mother's Day 2019 - Blessings FromThe Heart
As the Holy Spirit
Fills our Being
As the Son
Radiates our
One-ness with
The Source
The Dearest Expression
Of Our Lord’s True Love
Is “Mother”—
Space Of Grace, Parables in Prose by Grace Marama URI, © 1977 TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family Of URI, Inc.

“Functioning Body of the Church” Easter Remembrance
As we enter into a period of “Holy Days” following Fat Tuesday into Ash Wednesday, Lent, Maundy Thursday (Last Supper), and Good Friday (Crucifixion), culminating in the Celebration of the Resurrection on Easter, we are called in 2023 to look deeper within our lives, use our Spiritual Discernment, apply through example the Truth of the message our Beloved Brother Jesus Christ delivered.
His message was for Believers, those claiming to be within the Body Of Christ, living, amplifying the New Vibration of Cosmic Christ Consciousness, anchored through His Spiritual Commission, active in 2023, through participation within the Functioning Body of the Church.
“It is through Direct Spiritual Lineage that those of Like-Vibrational Patterning are coming together as agreed before entering this Earth Plane to work in a Group Consciousness to help this Planet and Mankind.” 1
What is the Functioning Body of the Church?
Webster’s Dictionary:
Function(ing) = any of a group of related actions contributing to a larger action
Body = a group of individuals organized for some purpose
Church = house, home, Divine place of worship
Parts of the body, by design, are different, each working together, manifesting the Whole of the Body. This is the Divine Blueprint, GROUP - God - Represents-Our - Unified - Parts. The Functioning Body Of the Church.
When we read, see, use or proclaim our part within the Functioning Body of the Church, what does it mean, what are the origins?
Being aware of the “definition” of Functioning Body of the Church is quite different than “embodying” living this Truth.
When we partake, re-member, within the ceremony of the Last Supper, communion, it is a reaffirmation of the Spiritual Union between Christ and communicant. This communion is memorialized as the body and blood of Christ.
Mark 14:22-25 Bible
22 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take it; this is my body.”
23 Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank from it.
24 “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many,” he said to them. 25 “Truly I tell you, I will not drink again from the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.”
Jesus is conveying the New Covenant, the New Church is within the fullness of who He is and who He represents gifted to humanity through this Spiritual Union exemplifying our Oneness with Him.
John 14:12-14 Bible
12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
Just as Jesus gathered the Twelve Disciples, Twelve Lifestream Representatives, he knew he had the Whole through these Twelve. Re-member, the Feminine Apostolic Core were also present, preparing the Upper Room, the Meal, delivering the Sustenance, Representatives of the Sustaining Essence of the Divine Mother, the Holy Spirit Shekinah. The parts of the body need to function in their unique parts, serving together Co-Creating The Whole.
Lifestream Representatives
“Within COSMIC CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS there are individuals, spiritually commissioned and chosen (by choosing) to represent specific Lifestreams and Soul Groups; these ones act consciously through human free-will choice, their efforts bring about consciousness evolution; some through prior agreement, have embodied, taking on patterns that have originated within the "black cube" energies of the Fallen Hierarchies, so that these distortions of God's original Perfect Plan can be conscientiously turned around creating the space for a New Heaven to manifest on Earth; as imperfect patterns are released, the choice of these representatives opens avenues for greater soul recognition throughout this Planet, its systems and the WHOLE of Human Consciousness is evolved. From COSMIC CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, these representatives clearly understand that patterns embraced, unnecessarily, over and over again are traps of consciousness bondage.” 2

Christmas Gift – Be the Example of Living within the Christ Body
Most have heard the message, understand the Principle of "Love Ye One Another as I Have Loved Ye Also" - The Golden Rule, lived by our Beloved Brother Jesus. Humanity finds that between Thanksgiving and Christmas, hearts are opened and it is easier to live the “Practices” delivered through the example of Jesus.
Yet, we are subject to the contraction of linear 3rd Dimensional space/time, the chaos and warring factors on the planet, those energies that would separate rather than unify. This is when our Heavenly Counterparts, Christ Jesus, are counting on us the most to hold and uphold the Principle of "Love Ye One Another as I Have Loved Ye Also."
Love is the Gift of this Season, The Miracle. The gift is Jesus, through his birth, his Life and Living, daily “Practices” of unconditional Love and perfect Beholdance of others.
No matter how difficult our personal circumstances, if we look within, we can find a way to serve our fellow human beings, love them. That is service to God. When we choose to do that by enlisting others to the given inspiration, an ingredient is added. That ingredient is "Amplification" for who we are and who we represent to the rest of Humanity. This action, within the most difficult of circumstances, is propelled to uplift hundreds of thousands of hearts in similar circumstances. This is the miracle of the season.
"Again, I assure you: If two or more of you on earth agree about any matter that you pray for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:19-20
Transfiguration Ongoing - We must make the shift from "me" to "WE," let go of old patterns, ask to be the instruments, enhance the new symphony of Love, Light and Peace. Your part counts.

Christmas Gift 2021 - Follow Your Heart
Christmas Gift – Be the Example of Living within the Christ Body
Most have heard the message, understand the Principle of "Love Ye One Another as I Have Loved Ye Also" - The Golden Rule, lived by our Beloved Brother Jesus. Humanity finds that between Thanksgiving and Christmas, hearts are opened and it is easier to live the “Practices” delivered through the example of Jesus.
Yet, we are subject to the contraction of linear 3rd Dimensional space/time, the chaos and warring factors on the planet, those energies that would separate rather than unify. This is when our Heavenly Counterparts, Christ Jesus, are counting on us the most to hold and uphold the Principle of "Love Ye One Another as I Have Loved Ye Also."
Love is the Gift of this Season, The Miracle. The gift is Jesus, through his birth, his Life and Living, daily “Practices” of unconditional Love and perfect Beholdance of others.
No matter how difficult our personal circumstances, if we look within, we can find a way to serve our fellow human beings, love them. That is service to God. When we choose to do that by enlisting others to the given inspiration, an ingredient is added. That ingredient is "Amplification" for who we are and who we represent to the rest of Humanity. This action, within the most difficult of circumstances, is propelled to uplift hundreds of thousands of hearts in similar circumstances. This is the miracle of the season.
"Again, I assure you: If two or more of you on earth agree about any matter that you pray for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:19-20

Emanate Love, Light and Peace! Thanksgiving 2018
Beloved Sisters, Brothers, Children Of The One Living God,
Thanks-Giving - an Estate Of Consciousness, a time for recognition of our many Blessings, a time to express our gratitude, love, celebrated through abundance of food and fellowship. A time to recognize we are each other. "Love One Another"
With family, friends or individually celebrating, the Estate of consciousness, awareness, as we engage our God Essence makes a huge difference. As we move through Thanksgiving week, we encourage each one to embody the Spiritual Understanding of Truth –
Beholdance - "A state of Being - a Blessing - an awareness, energy exchange, non-judgment of each one we encounter."

8:8:8 Lion's Gate
TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family Of URI
Affiliate Temple Of The Holy Trinity Church Of The Creator®
Holy Code
August 8, 2018, Humanity is given another opportunity to walk through a 'Doorway of Accelerated Awakening, Amplified Infusions of Trinitized Trinities Of Light' – The 8:8:8 LIONS GATE.
Humanity is moving through the 12 month cycle, approaching the anniversary of ”The Great American Eclipse.” Eclipses awaken imbalances, bring to the surface, hidden unconscious patterning and programming that limit our unified Collective co-existence and human reality. Eclipses are ‘cosmic liberators’ of subconscious patterns no longer serving humanity, be they outdated, corrupt or destructive.
Certainly since August 21, 2017, the United States of America, its government and its citizens with the world watching, have had quite a bit of what no longer serves ‘bubble’ to the surface for everyone to witness, to make changes, let go of the old, and move towards a Unified 5th Dimensional Co-existence.

O R D E R within Chaos requires "Spiritual Discernment"
Spiritual Discernment is critical to navigate the accelerated purification of humanity. Life, living, circumstances, relationships, ideas, things are not as “black and white” as they used to be…there is a much larger gray area. There is so much going on around us, "fake news", consciously created propaganda (eg: "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view") intended to shift consciousness, cloud our Spiritual Discernment of Truth. The gray area widens, the mind begins to accept consciousness that it once rejected…the clarity of Spiritual Discernment and Knowing can become “blurred.” It is imperative we remain within the “Pillar of Light, within and through the Office of The Christ” in every thought, word and deed, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
How we are using, giving, focusing our God Essence Energy, in thought, word and deed is critical, our contribution assisting or delaying change. AM I assisting or delaying the Divine Plan within this Time/Space continuum, the Ascending/Descending Programs of the Office of the Christ? Ask, review, receive, adjust, use your direct connection to the Holy Spirit Shekinah for navigation assistance. Keep your GPS - God's Perfected Synchronization - switched on.
Individually and Collectively, WE are being called upon to exercise our Spiritual Discernment to navigate through the “eye of the needle,” release negative, fallen thought forms. We are being asked to embrace and amplify pure thoughts, Aligned with the Ascended Masters of Light, Angelic Hosts, Heavenly Hierarchy, so former things are no longer called to mind. Your part counts, individually and Collectively we are Co-Creating the New Earth within New Heavens!

Order within Chaos - 2020 Vision - Spiritual Discernment
Every human being on the planet, every citizen of the United States of America, within the rapidly spreading COVD-19 pandemic, disruption of life as usual. Within the accelerating spread of infection, there is a "Wake-Up call to Human Consciousness" - individually and Collectively the Whole of Human Consciousness.
The narrative of this global pandemic feeds fear. Fear triggers survival mode, impulses, instincts, faster than thoughts, or emotions.
Discernment becomes critical. Do we act upon fear, impulses and demands of our ego or the ego of others? OR - stop, listen to what is within us, discern the reality of Divine Guidance, our specific path, next steps we are to take, custom designed for our life walk, coming from a direct connection, within every Child of God, emanating from Our Parent Creator Source.
Every human is being exposed to the amplified, propagated "Fear Virus."
Life is no longer what it was just a few months ago. Multiple and different plans to avoid the exposure to Coronavirus is changing everyone’s life. Institutions large and small, schools, work places, restaurants, travel, events, every configuration within our routines are being modified. Even more for those who may actually have contacted, carry or are infected with Coronavirus (any of a family Coronaviridae, of single-stranded RNA viruses) within their physical bodies.
Humanity is being shaken, in every aspect of expression. We are being called to use our Spiritual Discernment, remain centered, choose carefully, where, when and with whom do I commingle, what really has value sufficient for me to participate?
Review required within every thought, word and action, front and center, as it should have been for a long, long time. It is all part of the accelerated unification of mankind.
Thankfully, the progress of an awakening consciousness cannot be denied. The faster consciousness wakes up, the more it speeds up the fabric of time. The faster the fabric of time speeds up, the less opportunity there is for fear to operate with any degree of influence over our awakening consciousness.

Parable In Prose, Is It ? first published within "Space of Grace" by Rev Dr. Grace Marama URI, © 1977
As the shuttle flies across the loom
I create Yet another tapestry
careful with my threads,
so they stay smooth and even
the weft and weave of cloth
this one will be exquisit
I’m quite impressed
what I experienced as life before is
that I thought to be imaginings
From the Archives of TE-TA-MA/COTC - Written, produced, published by those living as a "Family Of Ten" within the prototype Melchizedek Community Of Light™, "Ship Terra," Prospect, Oregon, 1977 - 1985.

Resurrection of Faith: The Passion of Christ
Cosmic Christ Consciousness
Easter 2018 falls on April 1 - the annual “celebration” highlighting playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. The jokes and their victims are called April fools. Coincidence or Message? Are we are Being called to be “Fools for our Heavenly Father/Son/Mother ?”
On planet Earth, duality existence, good verses bad, right verses wrong, happy verses sad, we experience it all, ups and downs. But in those rare moments of Infinite Knowing, we embody and experience “Oneness,” Unconditional love from our Trinitized Holy Family. In these moments we are ready to be “Fools” and be the instrument holding the vibrational essence of this place of Peace and Knowing.
ONE perspective is causal consciousness, true reality, from “Above the Weave and Tapestry” of life, and the other perspective is from “Below the Weave and Tapestry,” duality reality. The “Fool” is ready, willing and able to operate within a consciousness of “Oneness,” at the brink of a precipice, ready to move forward in faith, not knowing where it will lead, as an Instrument of Divine Will, Divine Action. There is a distinct knowing, the “Fool” has cut the ties that bind within duality and embraced the Infinite Knowing, Being of of Christ Consciousness “..Dedicate our Physical Embodiments to the God Expression in Form...” the Bridge/Pillar of Light formed, human to Divine is unmistakable.

Valentine's Day
Commercial Event or Opportunity to Co-Create? The answer, like all participation, depends upon the consciousness frequency of our Being as we choose to participate or not.
Human Event or Divine Origin ?
"... Valentine's Day is recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance in many regions around the world, although it is not a public holiday in any country... There is no evidence of any link between St. Valentine's Day and the rites of the ancient Roman festival Lupercalia, despite many claims by many authors..." Wikipedia
" ...For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name, There is love..."

Christmas Gift - One Example of Living within the Christ Body.
Today's email delivered a very special message, an example of how the Christ Body, consciousness of WE, not me, is being expanded and amplified within Humanity.
"Well, we just got done handing out our annual Xmas treats. Five or six of us (six this year), get together and make treats for everyone (or chip in on the cost) in the unit. Last year it was 160 people, this year 167. We gave out one buckeye, half of a crack bar (made from cookies and caramels) and three peppermints to each person. Every year several people say that in their entire time in prison they have never experienced this. This is the fourth year we have done it, and I'll make sure it gets done every year I am here. One of the people helping hand out wasn't in a great mood, and I told him to watch people's reactions and maybe that would cheer him up. It did, as almost everyone thanked at least one of the five people involved in handing them out.One person put a paper towel down on the person's locker. Then I put on the crack bar, someone else put on the buckeye, and a third person placed the three peppermints. The last person wheeled around the trays so that we could go thru the unit. Merry Christmas to everyone and can't wait to see you all again and share Christmas together."

Spiritual Discernment
2019 continues to bring accelerated change through chaos within social, economic, political, government, institutions and geophysical systems on earth, as well as a general feeling of unrest. “There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,” mentioned 13 times in the Bible, referring to the last threads of the dark cabal hanging on as mankind must move through the “eye of the needle”, out of the threshold of “lukewarm,” and fully don Garments of Light.
Spiritual Discernment is critical to navigate the accelerated purification of humanity. Life, living, circumstances, relationships, ideas, things are not as “black and white” as they used to be…there is a much larger gray area. There is so much going on around us, "fake news", consciously created propaganda (eg: "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view") intended to shift consciousness, cloud our Spiritual Discernment of Truth. The gray area widens, the mind begins to accept consciousness that it once rejected…the clarity of Spiritual Discernment and Knowing can become “blurred.” It is imperative we remain within the “Pillar of Light, within and through the Office of The Christ” in every thought, word and deed, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
How we are using, giving, focusing our God Essence Energy, in thought, word and deed is critical, our contribution assisting or delaying change. AM I assisting or delaying the Divine Plan within this Time/Space continuum, the Ascending/Descending Programs of the Office of the Christ? Ask, review, receive, adjust, use your direct connection to the Holy Spirit Shekinah for navigation assistance. Keep your GPS - God's Perfected Synchronization - switched on.
Individually and Collectively, WE are being called upon to exercise our Spiritual Discernment to navigate through the “eye of the needle,” release negative, fallen thought forms. We are being asked to embrace and amplify pure thoughts, Aligned with the Ascended Masters of Light, Angelic Hosts, Heavenly Hierarchy, so former things are no longer called to mind. Your part counts, individually and Collectively we are Co-Creating the New Earth within New Heavens!
"Do something now" - Call to Action - Every human being

Unique Opportunity During the Solar Eclipse
Align - Unify - Amplify Within The Divine Plan
Add Your Voice - Resonate the 72 Sacred Names of God!
The Earth's Sun does a lot more than provide energy that sustains the ecosystems on the planet.
It is also a buffer mechanism that suppresses human consciousness. It emanates frequencies of vibration outside visible light spectrum that suppress our awareness of who we are, where we have come from and where we are going, individually and Collectively.

Co-Creating ORDER within Chaos
Fourteen months into a new Presidential Administration, realization of what must be changed is before us, collectively. Old patterns of lie, deny, justify, no longer remain hidden. The truth of duality fear/hate/anger based patterns, escalating chaos within sociopolitical structures, wars, terrorist attacks, political coups, refugee migrations, multiple ‘chaotic’ events every day = Global turmoil, “Trials & Tribulations.”
Time has been accelerated through technology. Broadcast networks remain focused through ratings/money, time limitations of schedules, sensational stories are first, lead stories. Constant breaking news of tragedy, war, terrorist attacks, et al, promulgates anxiety, fear, and anger. Instant information, cable, social media, is delivering opinions, photos, videos, from every place, every event, every cell phone. Texts, tweets, insta-everything. Light is accelerating Divine Truth. The vortex of discontent, polarized consciousness, lie deny and justify self interest, are exposed, on the surface to be seen.
Is it possible to remain in the eye of the storm, Co-Create Love, Light and Peace within the Chaos? The answer is yes, and depends on Choices made NOW.
Reminders, suggestions, techniques that assist us to remain in the eye of the storm.

PENTECOST – Calling the “People of God”
Come “People of God!”
Come “People of Zion!”
Come “Prophets of Light!”
"The “People of God” Collectively survive; the “People of God” repair the Universes; the “People of God” are known as the Great White Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Light."1.
Base Unit - People of God - "Family of Ten"
The child of God does not survive independent of the spiritual family. The Spiritual Family is not of one dimension, but includes many spiritual faces, many spiritual intelligence's, and many spiritual consciousnesses. Organized into Families of 10, collectively populating specific geophysical locations on earth, we are delivering our Heavenly Father’s message of everlasting life to the many universes of new creation. This very message of resurrection unto everlasting life, the place where birth, death and resurrection are fused, recently celebrated through Easter, demonstrated through His spiritual/physical family - Resurrected Light Being, Jesus Christ, embodying beyond the Alpha-Omega, repairing universes throughout Creation.
Spiritual Discernment Required ?
What is the Message?

Regenesis - New Birth - Renewal
Beloved Family, Colleagues,
Easter, the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox, holds a greater significance this year. The New Divine Program, Bestowed by The Divine Mother, Holy Spirit Shekinah has moved through the four worlds of creation since 2012, into manifestation in 2017. May we be consciously creating the new paradigm of “Cosmic Christ Consciousness,” unconditional love as we embark beyond the gateway of Easter and Resurrection, bring through the Descending Programs of the Office of the Christ.

Easter Reflections - Relevance
As we collectively co-create within our individual lives, expressions, it serves to reflect, re-member those who appeared within human history to anchor the next phase of the Divine Plan, unfolding Programs Within and Through The Office Of The Christ.

Christmas 2016 - Year End - New Beginnings 2017
Open the Heart - Focus - Amplify Change Through Unconditional Love!
Beloved Family – All Children of God sharing life and living on Planet Earth.
Encouragement to each and every human being to consciously close out the year 2016, roll up the scroll and hand it back to our Heavenly Parent. Let go, let God, forgive ourselves, forgive others, within all experiences of the past. Find the quiet place within the Heart, ask for Divine Guidance, the possibilities, probabilities of 2017 be revealed to you within the fifth year of the Divine Program, “Adonai Tsebayoth” as we enter into 2017. Ask for inspiration, Guidance, strength, wisdom, listen with your heart!

Beloved Sisters, Brothers, Children Of The One Living God,
Thanks-Giving - an Estate Of Consciousness, a time for recognition of our many Blessings, a time to express our gratitude, love, celebrated through abundance of food and fellowship. A time to recognize we are each other. "Love One Another"

40 Years of Service – Ordination Anniversary - Rev. Dr. James Germain URI Chronological Markers - Service within the Church - November 7, 2016
Today is the birthday, concurrent with the 40th Ordination Anniversary of Rev. Dr. James Germain URI. This date anchored his Ministry within man’s law, Witness on the Earth, as a Pastoral Pastor, TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family Of URI, Inc.
On his birthday in 1976, while on a boat in Sarasota Bay, Florida, Rev. Dr. Grace Marama URI received from Above, James was to be asked if he was ready to be Baptized, Ordained, Witnessed. He embraced the calling to anchor his service to God, within man's law, as an Ordained Minister. Grace was Witness to his Spiritual Commission in Ministry, knowing he was becoming a “fisher of men.” It was a conscious recognition that our Beloved Brother Christ Jesus completed his human Earthly Ministry at age 33. James began his public Ministry on his 33rd Birthday.

Celebrating Mother's Day !
May 8, 2016 - Doorway to Heaven | Church Of The Creator®
Tribute to All Mother's - God's Gift to All Children
As we celebrate our physical Mothers, in person or through memory, we embrace the unconditional love our Mothers as an extension of our Divine Mother, The Holy Spirit!

Precipitation | New Heavens & New Earth
By: Revs. Drs. Angela Magdalene URI & James Germain URI
December 21, 2012, a huge demarcation in Evolutionary History, the Divine Plan Unfolding, similar in Co-ordinates, significance, like Moses receiving the 10 Commandments within the Old Testament, The Father Program, or the Birth of Jesus in the New Testament, The Son Program.
12-21-2012, 12-12-12, marking the birth of a New Age, Program Adonai Tsebayoth, Shekinah Program, Program of the Divine Mother, The Holy Spirit.
Using Kabbalah as the analogy, Tree of Life Symbols, December 21, 2015,completes three 12 month cycles, movement from Heaven to Earth, through Worlds of Creation.

Proactive Christmas Principles - Celebrate Within Cosmic Christ Consciousness
Authors: Revs. Drs. Angela Magdalene URI & James Germain URI, Ministerial Unit, TE-TA-MA/Church Of The Creator®
Our Beloved Brother Jesus was Commissioned to activate a new phase within the Divine Plan, initiating the "Son Program" upon the Planet over 2000 thousand years ago.
As we Celebrate the Birth of Christ, Christ-mass, recognize, re-member, not everything he lived was accepted during his time upon the planet. The Infusion of Light, Truth, he delivered surfaced so many patterns of injustice, that his public ministry came to an abrupt, painful and dramatic completion.
Humanity, in particular those opposed to change, were unwilling to let go, accept the example he lived, accept the change.

One Step At A Time
Divine Wisdom, Love, Displayed
Throughout Creation, How We’re Made
From Our Source, Parent-Being
Come Parts Felt - Eyes For Seeing
Circuits, Paths, Dyes and Grids
Come Together Beneath Our Lids

“Love Ye One Another as I have Loved Ye Also.”
A pronouncement, understanding and example exemplified through our Beloved Brother, Christ Jesus. "...where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek." Hebrews 6:20 NIV
"Church Of The Creator® shall provide the vehicle and vibrational grid to attract those of common understanding, desiring to bring release of Spiritual Relativity, and the Anchoring in of Spiritual Reality and Restoration of the Common (Co-Man) Law, as exemplified through the understanding and pronouncement of our Beloved Brother, Christ Jesus, "Love Ye One Another as I have Loved Ye Also." Church Of The Creator® shall provide that place within, where each may have the opportunity to express the Perfect Principle of Love - that retribution of such will be the instrument and tool to see manifest Heaven on Earth."
"Church Of The Creator® shall function through all its parts, its members, each supportive of the Whole, all portraying through their Golden Example and Sacred Mandate, The Living Word Made Flesh."
Above quotes: Church Of The Creator® Ecclesia Magna Charta, Article VI, Sections 1. & 4. © 1984

Reflections On This Holy Season Easter & Passover
Celebrating every day, every moment, every breath - life, living, serving, - constant prayer that every thought, word, and action count for ourselves and who we represent is the living reality of COTC Associate Ministers and Pastoral Pastors of TE-TA-MA.
These concepts are anchored in thought and word in the Ecclesia Magna Charta.
“In that we recognize this Whole Planet Earth to be the Father's Church and that each Christed Being is in themselves a complete Temple, a Home, a Tabernacle made unto the likeness of The Creator, a House of God, so therefore in coming together to move in like-mind each representative then becomes an individual living brick, a stone, in Church Of The Creator.®

First Published in LightStreams - Family Of URI Journal, April 1981 © TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation - Family Of URI, Inc. by: Revs. Drs. Grace Marama URI & James Germain URI, Ministerial Unit.
The Father’s Song To His Children
The Exodus - The Way Home
To The Father - Through The Son
I Call Encouragement Constantly
l AM
The Begotten The Only One
Through Him You Live And Have Expression
Christos Image Seed In All - Alpha Omega
This World's True Pattern

Creator Daughter's Aeon
Parables In Prose, "Creator Daughter's Aeon," by Rev Dr. Grace Marama URI, © 1977
Returning the rib, retribution complete
The Sisterhood Manifest Now !
No Resurrection this Easter Morn,
A New Birth here on Earth,
A New Member Born
The Office of The Christ
Her Soul Intention
Is to balance Humanities
"Bone of Contention"

Parables In Prose First Published in LightStreams - Family Of URI Journal April 1981 © TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation - Family Of URI, Inc.
by: Revs. Drs. Grace Marama URI & James Germain URI Ministerial Unit
Recognition & Rectification
Divine Right Order® The Balancing Factor
As We Walk This Celestial Garden
As We View This Incredible Land
We Know How Our Earthly Experience
Brought US Now To Understand
Expanding The Traditions of Divinely Inspired
Heritage -United States Of America
July 4th - Re-Membering
United States Of Consciousness
Independence Secured by Intradependent Action
Something You Can Do For Human Rights - NOW!
July 4th - Interdependence Day !
United Estates Of Consciousness !
Chaos on our planet finds many people leaving the bleachers, trying to find what they can do to bring change. The painfully unacceptable policy of separating babies from their mothers, their families, has touched the hearts of humanity sufficient to reach critical mass, - " I must do something !" prompting action by millions of human beings, citizens of the USA.
We are being collectively, called to modify the institutions of our country, our planet, regenesis beyond the words of our founding documents to a new level of liberty and justice.
Before you take action, worthy is review of our recent history, so the principle of how it works is in your Collective Consciousness tool bag, amplifying your individual effort.
July 4, 1776, a few Individual Signers, Anchor a Unanimous Declaration of Truth. The day of the signatures is just one event in a series of events.Change is a step by step process.
Consider the circumstances, consciousness and Divine Alignment that Amplified, Blessed, and Infused the conscious or unconscious acts of a few, resulting in change for the many. Seeding, Anchoring, Organizing, what is now recognized as the United States of America.
Mayflower Compact - Declaration Of Independence - Constitution Of The United States Of America
Something You Can Do For Human Rights - NOW!
July 4th - Interdependence Day !
United Estates Of Consciousness !
Chaos on our planet finds many people leaving the bleachers, trying to find "What can I do to bring change for the better?" The painfully unacceptable policy relative Human Global Pandemics, Global Bigotry, distribution of wealth within our human family must be changed. The pain, injustice, suffering is reaching the heart of every human being.
" I must do something !" prompting action by millions of human beings, citizens of the USA, and beyond are coming to understand Freedoms and Equality of all People are the Foundations of this Great Nation. We must, all of humanity, return to the Founding Principles of this Country, walk the talk and Become the United Estates of Consciousness on a Global Basis.

Holy Week - "Cosmic Christ Consciousness"
Resurrection - New BirthNew Heavens - New Earth
Collectively we are moving through Holy Week with reverence, celebration, re-membering the life walk and example of our Beloved Brother Jesus Christ, what he accomplished on behalf Humanity over 2000 years ago.

Universal Family - Parables In Prose
by: Rev. Dr. Grace Marama URI
First Published in "Space of Grace"1977 © TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation - Family Of URI, Inc.
Autumn leaves in rustic colors
Memories of planting
in early Spring
Liken Self to Nature’s Seasons
Love of Mind and
Heart of Reason

8:8:8 Lions Gate
TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family Of URI
Affiliate Temple Of The Holy Trinity Church Of The Creator®
Service Monuments in this Time Space Continuum
August 8, 2008, Humanity is given another opportunity to walk through a 'Doorway of Accelerated Awakening, Amplified Infusions of Trinitized Trinities Of Light' – The 8:8:8 LIONS GATE.

More Signs Along Camino Divino - Our Collective Divine Path
Everyone on Planet Earth is experiencing “catastrophic crisis”, seemingly beyond the control of any person, nation, or institution established to bring stability. No proposals or actions taken have brought solution, stability to the peoples of the Earth. Another perspective, everything is changing, we are in the process of a quantum leap, transition to a new expression of Being. End Time Change as foretold in stone, ancient prophecies, codes and texts.

Weft & Weave Of COTC
COTC is comprised of like minded, individuals who have Claimed their Membership within COTC, Activated the Covenant, through Signature on the Sacred Mandate. Individuals Collectively serving the Creator, Divine Plan, living the "Family Unification of Mankind - All Aspects Of The Whole" humans through free will choice - "... Dedicate Our Physical Embodiment's ..." -
Those words from the Sacred Mandate anchor and draw together Spiritually Commissioned, unique individuals, each representative of some aspect of mankind, so that the Weft and Weave of the Tapestry of COTC includes, collectively, representatives of the Whole of humanity.
COTC is not a collective of cookie cutter replications, identical clones of some concept of what makes COTC Members or Ministers. At the same time, the common thread, within each and every Minister/Member is the Heart, the Love of the Mother/Sister/Daughter, that is the glue holding the COTC Tapestry together. The entire spectrum of humanity is represented within the COTC spiritual/physical family. Members are not segregated by race, nationality, creed, education, age, background, or other constructs of the mind. Members demonstrate the beauty of life, from simplicity to complexity, backgrounds in the multiplicity of religious and spiritual traditions, people comfortable with or without ceremony, rituals, and dogma. COTC is composed of representatives traveling each rung of the spiritual evolutionary spiral. That is as planned from Above. As each member/thread evolves spiritually, the action and inter-action on the earth plane is directed by our Heavenly Parent. We can embrace and Behold the Perfection, The Immaculate Concept, “In All Thoughts - All Things”1 acknowledging the Will of God, the beauty and unique contribution made by each one in their part, the perfection and healing being accomplished through COTC, as part of and aligned to The Divine Plan. By Design and Commission COTC Members & Ministers, their lives and living, collectively are the Weft and Weave of COTC. By free will choice evolving the consciousness of the Whole of Humanity.
Each and every human being is gifted with free will choice. When we exercise Alignment of our will with Divine Will, we become amalgamated, understanding, living the unity that we are. Collectively we are representatives of all mankind. “As a point of beginning, each individual member becomes a unifying compliment by making the necessary choice and effort in this plane and dimension.”2 Each of us has a vital part and by our choice, for who we represent, adjust and evolve the consciousness of the Whole.

2021 Visions - Spiritual Discernment - What is manifesting on Earth -
The current Administration has demonstrated openly, during the campaign and last 4 years, the Antithesis of the Principles of Unity Consciousness. The foundation stones of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA were laid one stone at a time. The "Magna Charta" (1215), "Mayflower Compact" (November 11, 1620), "Declaration of Independence" (July 4, 1976) , " USA Constitution," (Ratified June 21, 1788), "The Bill of Rights", (Ratified December 15, 1791). Collective Unity Consciousness powered by "WE The People" and inspired by our Heavenly Counterparts. Americans and hundreds of thousands of our brothers and sisters around the world have dedicated their lives to point out, that the Promise of Liberty and Justice, equal treatment for "ALL" was not being delivered by those elected and in positions of power. The Promise within the Constitution, sworn to be upheld under oath was not the reality for a large part of our citizens in the USA, and of the World. Abuse of Power has been overcome by the individuals who dedicate their lives to point out and attempt to reconcile what we agreed to and the realty of unequal treatment.
The Alpha-Omega program for humanity is quickly coming to an end. Every human being is encouraged through their heart to choose, "WE" Unity Consciousness, live the Golden Rule. Divine Law and Divine Law Enforcement will soon be visible on Earth.
The point is that mankind has been slow to accept a new and better way, implement change. Even The Divine Plan, implemented by small groups of Divinely Commissioned Beings sent to Earth to Evolve Humanity as a Whole, often are rejected due to free will choice, choosing resistance to change because it is going to mean change for "ME." Oh how easy to say, that is a great improvement for all of us, WE are thankful to the Creator. Until it conflicts with our personal will, what is best for me, what we like, what we want, my way or the highway. That is the "ME", "My" and "Mine" Consciousness that about one half of the Citizens of the USA are living. They are believers of us and them, duality consciousness. That consciousness allowance is coming to an end for those who will be living on Earth. Humanity's has rejected what was planned, accepting only part of the Message delivered.
Moses had to go back up the Mountain for a new set of "Stone Tablets," because, once delivered from Egypt, oppression, those delivered went back to the old patterns. The earthly rulers could only tolerate Christ Jesus three years, before his message was to force release of their power if lived buy the people on Earth. Many commissioned to deliver change, new ways of living, advances in technology, science, who came before and after the two Messengers mentioned, have suffered with the same reality, not everyone wants to change. "Shooting the messenger" is a metaphoric phrase used to describe the act of blaming the Messenger, and eliminating the threat to those in power.
Most religions have an equivalent of sudden and dramatic change at the end of human life as we have known it. The Bible, "Book of Revelation." Native American, Mayan, Eastern Traditions all deliver the same message, a quantum change has been forecast, "New Heavens and New Earth." For others it has been delivered through popular and prolific media, "2001 and 2010", "Contact', ''Interstellar, " "The Adjustment Bureau" and hundreds of thousands of other movies, YouTube Videos, books are all delivering the same message. At the end of life as we have known it for aeons, the Higher Authorities of Heavenly Programing will force every Human to choose. For those choosing WE, Unity Conscious, remaining on Earth of destined for new Worlds. For those choosing what is best tor "me", relocation, souls reconstituted into medieval environments, but no longer allowed to be on Earth.
Judgment Day has long passed. Now Humanity is choosing, "WE" or "me" consciousness. There is no fence to sit on, everyone is choosing, and their choice is self-evident.

Frequently Used Graphics © TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family Of URI, Inc. Church Of The Creator® 1977-2021