Manifesting Heaven On Earth

"A vehicle to bring unification of Christ Expressions into One Collective Assemblage. Recognizing Planet Earth to be our Heavenly Parent's Church, each Christed Being is a complete Temple, a House of God, a living brick within Church Of The Creator.® "      

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Christmas Gift – Be the Example of Living within the Christ Body

Most have heard the message, understand the Principle of "Love Ye One Another as I Have Loved Ye Also" - The Golden Rule, lived by our Beloved Brother Jesus. Humanity finds that between Thanksgiving and Christmas, hearts are opened and it is easier to live the “Practices” delivered through the example of Jesus.

Yet, we are subject to the contraction of linear 3rd Dimensional space/time, the chaos and warring factors on the planet, those energies that would separate rather than unify. This is when our Heavenly Counterparts, Christ Jesus, are counting on us the most to hold and uphold the Principle of "Love Ye One Another as I Have Loved Ye Also."

Love is the Gift of this Season, The Miracle. The gift is Jesus, through his birth, his Life and Living, daily “Practices” of unconditional Love and perfect Beholdance of others.

No matter how difficult our personal circumstances, if we look within, we can find a way to serve our fellow human beings, love them. That is service to God. When we choose to do that by enlisting others to the given inspiration, an ingredient is added. That ingredient is "Amplification" for who we are and who we represent to the rest of Humanity. This action, within the most difficult of circumstances, is propelled to uplift hundreds of thousands of hearts in similar circumstances. This is the miracle of the season.

"Again, I assure you: If two or more of you on earth agree about any matter that you pray for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there among them.”     Matthew 18:19-20

Transfiguration Ongoing - We must make the shift from "me" to "WE," let go of old patterns, ask to be the instruments, enhance the new symphony of Love, Light and Peace. Your part counts.

ONE Heart - ONE Mind - We are walking through the threshold into the next evolution of mankind through the Trinitized Function of the Order, Brotherhood, and Priesthood of Melchizedek. As the fourth chamber of the heart is activated within the Cosmic Clock, the clarion call is activating the seed crystal within our hearts and minds. From the Light Rays of the Trinitized Trinity, we are connecting to the Holy Harmonic of the Sacred Sounds, the Whole of Creation is becoming ONE chord, resonating the Living Light, Language of Life. As we "...Join Harmoniously In Oneness, Knowing That There Is Only ONE Creator Source...," the veils are being lifted, the many are becoming ONE,   "... The Family Unification Of Mankind...Bringing Forth By Example To This Planet Earth - Love, Light and Peace! "

Hanukkah the Festival of Lights, Season of Miracles, is active, part of the 2019-2020 cycle. The Heavens are open wide Infusing Divine Transformative energy of Love, Light, Peace and Miracles.

Assist Manifestation of Heaven on Earth!

Be prepared to receive, participate, within the Descending/Ascending Programs of The Office of the Christ, Divine Plan…strengthening, coordinating with others, conscious participation within the Whole. The Priesthood of Melchizedek has completed the preparation for the return of the Heavenly Hierarchies, our Beloved Brother Jesus.

Every human being can ask in prayer for revelation, guidance, understanding, relative their individual part, current coordinates, within the Divine Plan.

Prayer through the heart as an Agent of the Holy Spirit moves our thought-forms to a vibration “above the weave and tapestry” adding our part within the frequencies, “Light GRID” transfiguring the consciousness, manifesting Heaven on Earth. Our choice, through focused prayer, within the Divine Blueprint becomes "causal participation," unfolding, advancing Humanity's Collective Co-ordinance within The Divine Plan. It is prayer focused within the RIGHT - Redemptive Infusion God's Higher Truths - when asking for adjustment through the Decree, Divine Right Order.®

Utilize the gift of free-will. "Join in Principle and Witness" Anchor within man's law our Covenant and Pact, with the Creator and each other.

"In that we recognize this Whole Planet Earth to be the Father's Church and that each Christed Being is in themselves a complete Temple, a Home, a Tabernacle made unto the likeness of The Creator, a House of God, so therefore in coming together to move in like-mind each representative then becomes an individual living brick, a stone, in Church Of The Creator.® Each one adds their part by expanding and living through the Redemptive Body of the Christ Son, and progresses daily in the bringing forth into outer manifestation the Spiritual Gifts of Shekinah, Sacred Sciences, through the Feminine Principle and Priesthood. This is the Daughter's offering in Regenesis to the Whole, through service and within the Divine Blueprint of the Father's Plan, the Descending/Ascending Vehicle of Mankind - the Family."   Ecclesia Magna Charta, Article V - Structure and Plan.

Are we consciously "Aligned "   within our Collective Service to God in every thought, word and deed within the now of 24/7 unceasing Prayer?

In our part, having asked the same questions, this is the outcome, communication to the Body of the Church, this planet, "all thinking-thought Beings in form."

None of us can do individually, what we can do collectively when physically joined through Alignment    with our Heavenly Counterparts.

Be the Love you need;   Be the Miracle you have prayed for;   Be the peace you seek!

In Oneness of service,

Revs. Drs. Angela Magdalene URI & James Germain URI
Ministerial Unit, Atlanta Georgia, December 25, 2019

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