Manifesting Heaven On Earth

"A vehicle to bring unification of Christ Expressions into One Collective Assemblage. Recognizing Planet Earth to be our Heavenly Parent's Church, each Christed Being is a complete Temple, a House of God, a living brick within Church Of The Creator.® "      

DoveStarSeal Church Of The Creator Copyright 1982 150h


Order within Chaos - 2020 Vision - Spiritual Discernment

Every human being on the planet, every citizen of the United States of America, within the rapidly spreading COVD-19 pandemic, disruption of life as usual. Within the accelerating spread of infection, there is a  "Wake-Up call to Human Consciousness" - individually and Collectively the Whole of Human Consciousness.

The narrative of this global pandemic feeds fear.  Fear triggers survival mode, impulses, instincts, faster than  thoughts, or emotions. 

Discernment becomes critical. Do we act upon fear, impulses and demands of our ego or the ego of others?     OR -  stop, listen to what is within us, discern the reality of  Divine Guidance, our specific path, next steps we are to take, custom designed for our life walk, coming from a direct connection, within every Child of God, emanating from Our Parent Creator Source.

Every human is being exposed to the amplified, propagated "Fear Virus."

Life is no longer what it was just a few months ago. Multiple and different plans to avoid the exposure to Coronavirus is changing everyone’s life. Institutions large and small, schools, work places, restaurants, travel, events, every configuration within our routines are being modified.  Even more for those who may actually have contacted, carry or are infected with Coronavirus  (any of a family Coronaviridae, of single-stranded RNA viruses) within their physical bodies.

Humanity is being shaken, in every aspect of expression.   We are being called to use our Spiritual Discernment, remain centered, choose carefully, where, when and with whom do I commingle, what really has value sufficient for me to participate?

Review required within every thought, word and action, front and center, as it should have been for a long, long time. It is all part of the accelerated unification of mankind.

Thankfully, the progress of an awakening consciousness cannot be denied. The faster consciousness wakes up, the more it speeds up the fabric of time. The faster the fabric of time speeds up, the less opportunity there is for fear to operate with any degree of influence over our awakening consciousness.

Coronavirus Defined, Broken Down:

Corona - a part of the body resembling or likened to a crown. (Crown – Head – Mind),

Virus - a piece of code which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data. (Program Destroyer)

Reprogramming of the Mind

We live in duality, symbols below the weave and tapestry of Reality. So it is fascinating, subtle, that the pandemic of a Corona Virus broken down, defined is a program destroyer of the crown/mind.

FEAR  -  is being destroyed, reconfigured within human consciousness!

Coronavirus is a call from Above to STOP and TUNE INTO the HIGHEST POWER THAT THERE IS, Behold the Perfection of the Divine Plan  – Universal and Unconditional Love!

People in trouble or in fear of serious circumstances often turn to GOD, putting everything aside, as the “small stuff” becomes meaningless, we pray, TUNE IN, automatically, the most natural behavior that is programmed into our very DNA and that which we most desire, to connect with the Divine, with GOD, with ALL that is. NOW we are witnessing a spectacular global awakening!

Because we are ONE, there is NO separation, the Global focus of attention on the Coronavirus by the masses of Humanity has created a collective Cup of Consciousness through which the Light of God is flowing to accelerate the purging process of Fear at a root level occurring within human consciousness. We have the ability to direct and Infuse the Light of God flowing through our Collective Cup, to the Whole of the Consciousness of Humanity,

Remaining Centered in the Eye of the Storm, will “Stabilize” the Whole, as we experience the essential purification process, it can progress, in a gentler, less traumatic and painful way.

We must fill the void, as fear is being burned away, with Cosmic Christ Consciousness, Love, Light, Laughter and Peace.

We can anchor the vibration of gratitude, utilize the Practices and "Principles & Practices"  anchored, “Stabilize” for who we are and who we represent.

Purification, return to the founding principles, an upgrade in our collective expression as a country is unavoidable during 2020. The rest of the world is again watching what we choose individually and collectively.  More polarization or reconciliation, place unity above personal interest or self-destruct? 

US Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts urged his fellow federal judges Tuesday, December 31, 2019, to promote confidence in the judiciary and maintain the public's trust. Americans, Roberts said, have in the modern era come to "take democracy for granted," and the chief justice lamented the fact that civic education has "fallen by the wayside."

Add the rapidly spreading Corona-virus outbreak with its "pandemic potential." Everyone is being required to evaluate the risk/reward relative travel, participation within public events, any engagement with other human beings that might expose us to contracting an unseen and sometimes deadly repercussion, consequence of choice. Discernment required.

"In our age, when social media can instantly spread rumor and false information on a grand scale, the public's need to understand our government, and the protections it provides, is ever more vital," Roberts wrote in his annual report on the state of the judiciary, issued each New Year's Eve.

The United States of America, United Estates of Consciousness is a Spiritual Program, manifest over time as part of the Divine Plan. The consciousness anchored through the New JerUSAlem, through living example has manifest throughout the world.Now add the Coronavirus outbreak, "pandemic potential," requiring everyone to discern, consider exposure, risk-reward relative travel, engagements in public.

2020 is requiring every human being, individually and collectively to choose, make our position known, demonstrate through action at the voting booth, peaceful demonstration, aligning with others, for or against, hot or cold, lukewarm no longer possible. Chaos always brings change. Will we choose what is highest and best for for all of US who inhabit our Beloved Planet Earth, ascend or descend?

Spiritual Discernment is critical to navigate the accelerated purification of humanity. Life, living, circumstances, relationships, ideas, things are not as “black and white” as they used to be…there is a much larger gray area. There is so much going on around us, "fake news", consciously created propaganda (eg: "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view") intended to shift consciousness, cloud our Spiritual Discernment of Truth.  The gray area widens, the mind begins to accept consciousness that it once rejected…the clarity of Spiritual Discernment and Knowing can become “blurred.” It is imperative we remain within the “Pillar of Light, within and through the Office of The Christ” in every thought, word and deed, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

How we are using, giving, focusing our God Essence Energy, in thought, word and deed is critical, our contribution assisting or delaying change. AM I assisting or delaying the Divine Plan within this Time/Space continuum, the Ascending/Descending Programs of the Office of the Christ? Ask, review, receive, adjust, use your direct connection to the Holy Spirit Shekinah for navigation assistance. Keep your GPS - God's Perfected Synchronization -  switched on.

Individually and Collectively, WE are being called upon to exercise our Spiritual Discernment to navigate through the “eye of the needle,” release negative, fallen thought forms. We are being asked to embrace and amplify pure thoughts, Aligned with the Ascended Masters of Light, Angelic Hosts, Heavenly Hierarchy, so former things are no longer called to mind. Your part counts, individually and Collectively we are Co-Creating the New Earth within New Heavens!

2020 will continue to bring accelerated change through chaos within social, economic, political, government, institutions and geophysical systems on earth, as well as a general feeling of unrest. “There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,” mentioned 13 times in the Bible, referring to the last threads of the dark cabal hanging on as mankind must move through the “eye of the needle”, out of the threshold of “lukewarm,” and fully don Garments of Light.

Call to Action - "We must be in bodies of Light to be accepted into the Kingdoms of Light."  When we are in our Christed Bodies of Light, Spiritual Discernment, in this plane and dimension, becomes easier in times of chaos and confusion. The “Weave and Tapestry” of creation is multi-dimensional.  When we put on, live within the Cosmic Christ Consciousness Garment of Light, the Weft and Weave, the Tapestry of Creation becomes alive.  Our Spiritual Discernment is enabled, activated  through the Heart.  We can see with new eyes, hear with new ears, know, understand, connect the dots, symbols in our duality, linear life, navigate through the chaos, remain within the eye of the storm of change on Planet Earth.

We can join with others within the Christ Body, consciously choose to come together Collectively, creating a Merkabah of Light, joining and amplifying our Collective Garment of Light. Unified in thought, word and deed, Spiritual Relativity of 5th Dimensional living becomes Spiritual Reality.  GRIDS of Consciousness Unification, eBook, paperback, provides techniques to Align our daily life, living within the Divine Blueprint, the Family Unification of Mankind, Multi-dimensional synchronization, as wheels within Wheels.  Group techniques applied within collective configurations through sitting in a circle, resonating within the Heart function, in the NOW.

Assist Manifestation of Heaven on Earth !

Be prepared to receive, participate, within the Descending/Ascending Programs of The Office of the Christ, Divine Plan…strengthening, coordinating with others, conscious participation within the Whole. The Priesthood of Melchizedek has completed the preparation for the return of the Heavenly Hierarchies.

Every human being can ask in prayer for revelation, guidance, understanding, relative their individual part, current coordinates, within the Divine Plan.

Prayer is conscious Collective participation, recognizing there is a Creator, an avenue of communication, to receive support and inspiration. Recognizing each human's Divinity, unique part, soul mission, learning experience, in this lifetime without judgment, Beholding their perfection, is another gift we can each give. We ALL co-create, how we use our free will choice, is at the root of what is going on. Where we focus our consciousness, as co-creators on this planet manifest substantial amounts of chaos, just look at the news. The Creator allows all of it, because we did it. "Divine Order," an "effect" that every human being is subject to.

Participation, prayer focused on “what I or others need, how I might like things to be different,” may bring change, benefit to ourselves, others, seeking help from God, but the focus is within "me" what "I" need from Creator.

Consciously attuning individually, praying through the heart, for "who we are and who we represent," without any individual request or expectation, is an entirely different frequency of prayer. The focus of our individual prayer becomes Collective Service Aligned to Divine Will, focused on maximizing results through joining our individual God Essence with the energies, vibrations, frequencies of Divine Patterns of Light. "We" have individually the ability, choice to consciously synchronize, participate within Alignment, unified in effort, timing, with the Heavenly Hierarchies, those responsible for stewarding evolution.

Prayer through the heart as an Agent of the Holy Spirit moves our thought-forms to a vibration “above the weave and tapestry” adding our part within the frequencies, “Light GRID” transfiguring the consciousness, manifesting Heaven on Earth. Our choice, through focused prayer, within the Divine Blueprint becomes "causal participation," unfolding, advancing Humanity's Collective Co-ordinance within The Divine Plan. It is prayer focused within the RIGHT - Redemptive Infusion God's Higher Truths - when asking for adjustment through the Decree, Divine Right Order.®

How often do we focus our Prayer on God's needs within the Divine Plan? "Thy will be done" without the I need list.

Encouragement is offered to increase the frequency of prayer through the heart focused on God's needs. Encouragement to individually ask for revelation, "...what are our Collective Co-ordinates, where are WE, what are the next steps requiring Collective effort."

Our individual choices, focus, use of our God Essence within co-creation either helps or delays the Divine Plan. A Divine Law, a fact, addressed within Revelations 3:15-16

"I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot; because it is necessary that you be either cold or hot, And you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I am going to vomit you from my mouth." and Matthew 12:30 "Whoever is not with me is against me; whoever does not gather with me truly is scattering."

Utilize the gift of free-will. "Join in Principle and Witness" Anchor within man's law our Covenant and Pact, with the Creator and each other.

"In that we recognize this Whole Planet Earth to be the Father's Church and that each Christed Being is in themselves a complete Temple, a Home, a Tabernacle made unto the likeness of The Creator, a House of God, so therefore in coming together to move in like-mind each representative then becomes an individual living brick, a stone, in Church Of The Creator.®   Each one adds their part by expanding and living through the Redemptive Body of the Christ Son, and progresses daily in the bringing forth into outer manifestation the Spiritual Gifts of Shekinah, Sacred Sciences, through the Feminine Principle and Priesthood. This is the Daughter's offering in Regenesis to the Whole, through service and within the Divine Blueprint of the Father's Plan, the Descending/Ascending Vehicle of Mankind - the Family." Ecclesia Magna Charta, Article V - Structure and Plan.

Are we consciously "Aligned" within our Collective Service to God in every thought, word and deed within a 24/7 unceasing Prayer?

In our part, having asked the same questions, this is the outcome, communication to the Body of the Church. (.."all thinking-thought Beings in form")

None of us can do individually, what we can do collectively when physically joined and Aligned with our Heavenly Counterparts. Are we going to keep the agreement made before coming to this planet?

In Oneness of service,

Revs. Drs. Angela Magdalene URI & James Germain URI

Ministerial Unit, January 1, 2020

Principles & Practices - Consciousness tools for your use.


Part of the process of manifesting the Light Body is re-coding the consciousness state of a human being from continual states of flux to states of equilibrium, by energizing magneto-gravitational fields around your body, to changing your molecular structure and reconstituting your body to another wavelength of Light.

When man progresses in his spiritual education, during a meditative state, his electromagnetic body can be taken into other physical and consciousness worlds of Light. There he can receive education beyond his physical world of reference which enables him to synthesize multidimensional reality. He also gains a working knowledge of how his five vehicles of energy can prepare him for the actual wearing of the "Christ body."

However, the existence of pulsating light geometries within the consciousness of man shows that he is already part of a Divine circuit of information which flows from light body to Light body. We need only work to activate, strengthen these geometries of Light.

The Bridge which connects the lower Garment of light to the Higher Garment of Light is opened through:

“Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth!”
“Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts!”

No other song in the Heavens can directly manifest Divine Love so powerfully to the elemental forms of creation, than the Divine mantra of the Father’s Throne. For all language and musical patterns of man are carved out of this vibration of the Godhead. It is the vibration of the Holy Spirit which empowers all living intelligence of God providing them with a form of salvation.

The Kodoish, “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth” is the measure of the cycle and the beat of all states of matter/radiation, and most of all – resonance, which is the common factor uniting the lower vibratory levels with the higher levels of creation.

Even the human heart beat, with its biological clocks, is set according to the function of “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth,” tying together all biorhythms of the body with the spiritual rhythms of the Overself Body, so that all circulatory systems operate with one cosmic heart beat. The “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth” is given within the fifth socket of the Great Pyramid which aligns the heart vibratory beat with the five bodies of vibration operating within the biochemical shell of mankind.

Thus the “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth” creates the mental, spiritual time warps within your body which allows you to grow from a small microcosm into the next level of Godhead. Key 305, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtack © 1973


5 Bodies of Light - (The Energy Vehicles of Incarnation)


There are "five bodies of illumination" connected to our physical body which are the keys to the mechanistic adaptation of the light fields that are necessary for the seeding process of divine Chokmah ("wisdom") into the physical world.

When man progresses in his spiritual education, during a meditative state, his electromagnetic body can be taken into other physical and consciousness worlds of Light. There he can receive education beyond his physical world of reference which enables him to synthesize multidimensional reality. He also gains a working knowledge of how his five vehicles of energy can prepare him for the actual wearing of the "Christ body."

In order for Man to truly use Spiritual Discernment - Spiritual Wisdom balanced with Spiritual Understanding, he must have all five bodies active so that they can work directly with the divine template, and the Councils of the Elohim on the higher levels of reality. It is through this collective that teaching is given and received. This mastery is based upon Man's ability to work simultaneously with information from many worlds of the lower heavens. He must master this stage before he can truly understand soul progression.

"The five bodies are: the Electromagnetic body, the Epi-kinetic body, the Eka body of many relativities, the inner body of Gematria, and the outer body of many Zohar. Unifying these 5 bodies allows the specie to go beyond its present soul program.

Electromagnetic Body is a vehicle body that codes your physical body directly into other consciousness regions of the local universe through the whole array or family of electromagnetic waves. The E-M vehicle must work with its "Christ Overself Body" or a Master of Light if it is to work with the many electromagnetic spectrums. One must first illuminate the E-M vehicle with Light before one can cross the threshold of negative mass.

Epi-Kinetic Body is the biological plasma used by the energy-vibratory vehicle for projection and teleportation within a singular dimension. The Epi-Kinetic Body is the consciousness-vibratory vehicle which can pass through the common kinetic paradigms of velocity and mass. Great energies of vibratory protection, inspiration, and the balancing of the creative consciousness levels with the unconscious and subconscious levels can take place through this vehicle of vibratory synthesis.

One of the five bodies can work directly with the template of the many worlds. This is the Eka Body "of consciousness" which enables you to leave behind the 3rd dimensional consciousness time frame and experience other time zones to see and work with the Masters of Light who protect and educate the eka body through an activated Light network.

In the education of the soul, the conscious activation of the many eka vehicles demonstrates to man how there is a multidimensional relationship between body vehicles that can be also interpenetrated by the multidimensional body vehicles of the Masters of Light.

Gematrian Body prepares the human vehicle to be connected with the Christ Body Overself. This body is formed by the Shekinah's "life force," (the Creative Mother Spirit, Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Gods Life Force), which controls all the inner relationships of Light, and creates a synthesis with the Light vehicle (your Merkabah.)

The Gematrian Body is made up of "light geometries" used in consciousness creation, inspiration, healing, etc., which can mathematically arrange each of the energy meridians of the human system to make them available to guide and energize the body. The Gematrian Body with the shekinah, bears witness that we are 'active' people of God and actively dwelling in a body of Light' within the body of flesh. The Gematrian Body frees creative life from slavery to the physical body.

When you experience the Gematrian Body of Light Consciousness, then you will be able to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit within you and you will commune with the Lords of Light through Merkabah.

Zohar Body is the body vehicle of the "outer light" that permits the body to go beyond the light cone of immediate relativity. This body places a bond of light around the four other energy vehicles of "Incarnation" so that the physical body can distinguish levels of light. It balances the seventy two areas of the mind so the microcosmos of the unconscious Man ascends to Sonship and to a place of dwelling within the Father's Throne. The Zohar body functions in trinity with its Overself Body and the "Anointed" Christ Overself Body which receives direct revelation from the Throne Worlds of YHWH.

At this time there are many souls who have completed their self-meta programs and yet choose to remain and become future leaders and teachers upon this planet. There are those who, while still living in the physical form, are already working with the quantum of Light from the Throne. (The center for YHWH's programs of creation, the seat of divine administration).

This is now taking place on a greater scale than in previous ages because, in previous ages, it was necessary that the operation of the eka bodies be limited from the higher correspondences of the Masters of Light so that the higher vehicles would not be contaminated until the masters had sufficiently incarnated into the human place to raise its vibration to work with the higher worlds of Light.

You are now invited to prepare for the "greater peace" of the Father who welcomes you with your brothers and sisters. Hold firm in devotion and give hope to others that they might attune their consciousness patterns in resonance with the eternal vibration of the Holy Spirit Shekinah!"   The Five Bodies by J.J. Hurtak, © 1996 quoted above.

Transfiguration Sacred Codes Of Palenque Church Of The Creator 300w

TRANSFIGURATION – Sacred Codes Of Palenque  - 6 tracks 59 minutes - Audio CD

Collectively Aligned, Amplified Infusion of sound, color, light - sound frequency interpretation of "Transfiguration - Sacred Codes Of Palenque

Activates the Zohar Body of Light - stabilize, harmonize, a Collective Consciousness Vehicle as understood within Principles & Practices, GRIDS of Consciousness UnificationGroup Responsibility In Divine Structure

“Still many will be called but only a few will be truly prepared to work directly with the coming of the Office of the Christ and greater levels of ascension into new worlds. Only a very few will have attained their higher memory from birth, or will understand the work of the cosmic Christ, for although they have a Christ-self potential which they left behind in the heavens, their physical self has drunk the cup of forgetfulness at birth. Only a small fraction will be truly prepared to cross the bridge into the higher worlds which will be considered by most as purely mythical. Those who cross the bridge will learn how to use the principles of power which allow them to traverse all kingdoms. This coming cosmic shift is symbolic of the Exodus from Egypt to Israel, but now it will be the cosmic exodus from the Red Sea, our solar spectrum, into the heavens. The keys also open the doors to history so that we will not be seduced by the realms of Egypt, but be induced into the Divine Nature of Israel, for Is-ra-el means ‘the one who contends with God until Victory’. Ultimately, Egypt must be balanced with Israel as the mother-father elements are united in a planetary balance by the “Christed Race”.  Pistis Sophia: Interpretation and Commentary by Dr. J. J. Hurtak and Desiree Hurtak, © 1999 Published by the Academy For Future Science 

In the Western traditions, there is a taboo about death, there is fear and misunderstanding, which can be clarified by Eastern Traditions and by Buddhism in term of understanding of what happens during the process of death. In the West there is no second chance concerning another life. Death is seen and interpreted as the end, as something which is closing the door forever, whatever we believe in after death, purgatory, heaven or hell.


Build the “Coat of Many Colors” “The Christed Garment of Light” through resonance of the 72 Sacred Names of God.


The People of God act as a branch of God’s family in their own local universe. They are able to reach out to attune other human beings so they too can partake of the sacred Light vibrations to change their molecular structure allowing them to follow the energy trace back into other universes…the promise of ascension.

HOW? Through the consciousness Coding of Light, “sealed” by the breath by the vibrations of the sacred names to “seal” the body of creation.

Humanity, Believers, Light Bearers, The Priesthood Of Melchizedek is being called to resonate the 72 Sacred Names of God OUTLOUD, through the seal of the breath, creating the Merkabah through which Metatron can create the Outer Manifestation of Light needed to bring forth the wavelength of knowledge from the next universe of creation – Program Adonai Tsebayoth.

Sacred Names, reference hyperlink for your use: Hebrew-Aramaic Sacred Names 72 Expressions of the Divine in Hebrew-Aramaic according to the study by Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D copyright © 1973, 1989, 1998 J.J. Hurtak

We exist within a Divine multi-dimensional Weave and Tapestry.  When we don the Christ Consciousness Garment of Light, the reality of The Divine Tapestry of Life becomes Alive. It enables us to connect the dots, symbols in our duality, linear life and living on Planet Earth. However, the more of us who consciously choose to come together Collectively, creating a Merkabah of Light, with the eyes to see and ears to hear, then the Spiritual Relativity of 5th Dimensional living becomes Spiritual Reality.

"A joining through Soul Level agreement of those personalities who have released the individual I AM growth pattern, into the COLLECTIVE I of GROUP UNITY; Living in the Group Aspect of the Christ Body; going beyond personal-soul expansion and joining in GROUP to create a synergism of combined spiritual evolution within and through the OFFICE OF THE CHRIST." Cosmic Christ Consciousness

The Choice is ours. The Spiritual Commission is ours. For this will be the time of Melchizedek and it will be the time of the bowing of our heads in reverence to the living Order of Light whose name is Melchizedek forever!

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